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When the going gets tough the creative and hardworking start baking for a living !!!

Time March 15/March 22, 2021 |The Brief Business| “Home bakers find sweet success in tough times” by Raisa Bruner

Read the full article for all detail and heartwarming backstories

Summary of Article

With the pandemic many found themselves without steady jobs and suddenly with plenty of time to pursue other interests and passions. Enter the entrepreneurial home bakers, Tui Tuileta (Kuki Man, Oahu, HI), Whitney Crowder (Sugar and Bite, Queens), Gautier and Ashley Coiffard (L’Appartement 4F, Brooklyn), Sara Armet (Lady and the Chocolate, Upper East Side), Sabeena Ladha and Scout Brison (Deux, Los Angeles) and Susana Torres and her four daughters (Susana’s Cakery, Weslaco, Texas), as examples of being resourceful in making business out of personal interest and lots of hard work. “Lady and the Chocolate. Sara Armet delivers chocolate bark by bicycle. Kuki Man “S’mores cookies [were] a limited run flavor”, L’Appartement 4F run a “French bakery from their home,” “Susan Torres, though working harder than ever, Torres is fulfilling a lifelong goal.” And Whitney Crowder’s 10 inch custom cakes go for $200. Torres sums it up “I put my heart in every single cake that I make…”I am very happy”…and with a goal of opening a “very pretty cakery.”

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