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Toxic Trolls, It's Bad You Know, What to Do?

Writer's picture: 2244 Online2244 Online

Wired APR 24, 2022 7:00 AM IDEAS “A Woman’s Guide to the Most Toxic Trolls on the Internet” “If there’s one thing a woman can count on, it’s getting harassing messages online. Here’s a taxonomy of the creatures on the other end of them.”

Read Wired for all the details. “This story is adapted from How to Be Woman Online:Surviving Abused and Harassment, and How to Fight Back” by Nina Jankowicz

Summary by 2244

Chart from January 13, 2021 not presented in the Wired article.

More charts from below

The author, Nina Jankowicz, often appearing on TV gets followed almost immediately after an appearance by “man after man staring at me from behind their avatars” not only on Twitter, “where I have thousands of anonymous followers,” but also on her more personal social media platforms, “where I often share images of myself.” Sometimes there are women-an example “she sent me a message to tell me how inspiring she found my commentary”, “[men] on the other hand mostly just lurk, sometimes liking long strings of my selfies in binges of scrolling and double-tapping…unfortunately there are many denizens of the internet who are much more vocal than the lurkers…demanding your attention, hawking opinions…”PAY ATTENTION TO ME!...MY OPINION MATTERS!”

“Let’s explore the categories of creatures you might encounter in your online adventures.”

“The reply guy”

“He is the man who responds to what feels like every single earthly thing you post…[with comments like]...actually, next time leave the toast in a little longer.” There may be mansplainers as well, some credentialed and very willing to let you know that as well. These can be professors, former diplomats and of course current businessmen.

“The bait and switch guy”

Because of her work, as a writer and commentator, Jankowicz gets “a lot of engagement, leads, and opportunities through [her] direct messages on social media.” A necessity for work the DM access does “expose me to [explicit] pics, romantic propositions, and other unwanted attention and abuse.” At times she gets accolades for posting about online harassment but then enters “the bait and switch guy” who takes her “Thanks, I appreciated it” as an invitation for more engagement, maybe some mansplaining or worse some “unsettling questions about what you’re wearing…” Any level of rejection to this type of intrusion can really go south into abuse, harassment and misogyny.

“The man who can’t seem to use Google”

Questions the author has received including “What is SWATing? What is anti-doxing service?” Answer for them and you become a resource “a compliant and dutiful human encyclopedia.”


Not on social media so using an EMAIL, of yours he found, he disagrees with your POV or just doesn’t like “the fact this is coming out of your feminine pie hole painted with tarty red lipstick.” Being professional in response may lead to a “DOUBLE DOWN.”

“Men’s rights activists, incels, neo-Nazis and proto-facists.”

“Man who shouts about the scourge of feminism and believes that women who work, think, and speak up are upsetting the natural balance of the universe.” They provide unwanted comments meant to demean etc. “Sadly, these tendencies do show themselves across the political spectrum, particularly when men feel…challenged by younger, more capable women who would never spare a thought for engaging with them, intellectually or romantically.”

What to do?

“Perhaps you will choose to simply ignore the next troll…[that is often the “prevailing advice“ according to Jankowicz]...”but there are moments when calling out bad behavior is not only necessary, it can be healthy to make your voice heard, both for you and your fellow women online.”

Also though time-consuming etc. “blocking, muting, and reporting” to social media platforms are tools that “exist to keep you safe and sane. Use them.”

The author closes starting with “it is important to realize that women do not need to simply acquiesce to the way things are” and closes with “we have a collective tenacity that, if activated, can challenge the norms that so many have written off as an unfortunate but immutable characteristics women’s online engagement.”


2244 notes. 2244online at RM2244.COM is an edited blog-an eMagazine, submissions are not taken from anonymous contributors, direct commentary is not available but 2244 welcomes all non-anonymous submissions. 2244 will publish, as possible, all that fits and that meets 2244’s guidelines. 2244 does not have enabled “likes”, “upvotes”, “downvotes” "comments" etc.


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