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Home is Best ! The Economist Reports "Prescribing Tablets"


The Economist reports Finland “Prescribing Tablets” The Economist January 11th, 2020. pp 44. “Finns turn to technology to help frail old people live at home”

The Finnish are using computer tablets, sensors and robots for helping elderly live longer at home because “home is best” [lower cost and independent living at home preferred by elders]. Besides enabling the best, technology solutions will be serving elders that are living longer and therefore expanding this demographic group. Examples, of managing this way, include a social worker having an online lunch conference (Vlogging) with elders viewing and interacting though tablets on their kitchen tables. This and other “virtual get-togethers” create dialog-asking about their day, -having fun quizzes, -doing chair exercises, -having book clubs, -joining in sing-alongs and -having some religion-led by a Priest. Simple Robots reliably dispense medications, wristband GPS-enable-sensors track location and movements-trips-to the fridge and bathroom and alarm buttons alert caregivers of immediate needs. Besides enabling urgent responses and reducing need for unnecessary home visits, vlogging reduces the social isolation linked to “the decline of elderly minds and bodies”. For details read the article. For more read the article.

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