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Gabriela DeLeon Gold at CAP 10K

Around Austin-Gabriela DeLeon first women in CAP 10K Sunday morning April 16th 2023 at 34:39. See more snapshots below. She was quoted in the Austin American Statesman "I've never (broken) the tape, so it was was exciting, but I wasn't ready for it!" Read the Gabriela's inspiring story in the Austin American Statesman.

Around Austin-Gabriela DeLeon first women in CAP 10K Sunday morning April 16th 2023 at 34:39.

Around Austin-Gabriela DeLeon first women in CAP 10K Sunday morning April 16th 2023 at 34:39.

Around Austin-Gabriela DeLeon first women in CAP 10K Sunday morning April 16th 2023 at 34:39.

Around Austin-Gabriela DeLeon first women in CAP 10K Sunday morning April 16th 2023 at 34:39.

Around Austin-Gabriela DeLeon first women in CAP 10K Sunday morning April 16th 2023 at 34:39.

Around Austin-Gabriela DeLeon first women in CAP 10K Sunday morning April 16th 2023 at 34:39.

Around Austin-Gabriela DeLeon first women in CAP 10K Sunday morning April 16th 2023 at 34:39.

Around Austin-Gabriela DeLeon first women in CAP 10K Sunday morning April 16th 2023 at 34:39.

Around Austin-Gabriela DeLeon first women in CAP 10K Sunday morning April 16th 2023 at 34:39.

Around Austin-Gabriela DeLeon first women in CAP 10K Sunday morning April 16th 2023 at 34:39.

Around Austin-Gabriela DeLeon first women in CAP 10K Sunday morning April 16th 2023 at 34:39.

Around Austin-Gabriela DeLeon first women in CAP 10K Sunday morning April 16th 2023 at 34:39.

Around Austin-Gabriela DeLeon first women in CAP 10K Sunday morning April 16th 2023 at 34:39.

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