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F1 The Friday Crowd

Around Austin-The F1 Friday Crowd October 20th 2023 at COTA. For the weekend at total crowd for Friday, Saturday and Sunday combined is estimated to be more than $400,000. The event reportedly is worth as much as $1,000,000,000 (1 Billion $) to the local economy.

Around Austin-The F1 Friday Crowd October 20th 2023 at COTA

Around Austin-The F1 Friday Crowd October 20th 2023 at COTA

Around Austin-The F1 Friday Crowd October 20th 2023 at COTA

Around Austin-The F1 Friday Crowd October 20th 2023 at COTA

Around Austin-The F1 Friday Crowd October 20th 2023 at COTA

Around Austin-The F1 Friday Crowd October 20th 2023 at COTA

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