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Cosmo-The Love Issue Survey

Cosmopolitan |The 2022 Collection|Issue 1 pp122|”the LOVE issue”|♥The Last Page|”You+Love” “Just thought we’d check in” By Annabel Iwegbue

See Cosmopolitan for all the details

Summary by 2244

Excerpts from an undescribed survey

Q: “Did your parents’ relationship impact how you navigate love for yourself?

Responses: 84% absolutely, 16% “I don’t think so”

Q: “How have you met your past/current love(s)?

Responses: check all that apply, “60% Through mutual friends, 32% At a party, club, or bar, 56% At school, 35% On a dating app, 29% At work, 5% Through family.”

Q: “Do you believe in the notion of The One?”

Responses; “45% I could be convinced…, 33% This is all basically fated, 22% No definitely not.”

Q: “Has your love life followed the path you imagined it would?”

Responses: “51% Not at all!,35% Kind of-but with plenty of twists and turns, 13% Surprisingly, yes.”

Q:”What has led to your breakups in the past? (Check all that apply)

Reponses: 65% Communication issues, 47% Misaligned life goals, 40% I fell out of love, 32% Distance, 32% Infidelity, 11% Issues with a partner’s family or friends, 5% A big difference in political views.”

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