Austin Business Journal September 24-30, 2021 pp12B |2021 Texas Business Hall of Fame|Q&A with Kendra Scott

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Selected excerpts of the ABJ interview
“Q:What was the first job you ever had?”
“SuperValu” as a checker...I believe that job taught me so much about what I’d want to do later in my can [interact with] someone who is having an off day and leave smiling and laughing. That job taught me the importance of connecting with people, and I carry that with me to this day.”
“Q: What’s your favorite book or podcast?”
…”The Alchemist...this quote in particular:’The secret of life is to fall seven times, and to get up eight’...”
“Q: Who is someone you admire?”
“My greatest role model…[she worked]...”from a Mary Kay consultant to Mary Kay Director, all while raising four daughters! She was an entrepreneur at heart and has always supported me in my own dreams to become a designer and run a business…”
“Q: What is your proudest achievement”
“My family. As a mother of three boys...It has been pure joy watching them grow into young men who are kind leaders, fair players and inclusive to everyone around them.”