Around Austin-A mural by Jeremy Biggers painted by Stem and Thorn recognizes Black leaders from the area. The mural was enshrined this week and features Harvey Westbrook (Civil Rights Leader), Annie Lee Hayward (Educator), S.H. McShane (Barber, Church Deacon, School Bus Driver and Member of Civic Boards), Dorothy McCarther (Business Owner Church and Civic Board Member) and Monty Joe Thomas (Gospel Musician and Business Owner). See below or swipe to read the plaque detailing the mural.

Around Austin-A mural by Jeremy Biggers painted by Stem and Thorn recognizes Black leaders from the area. The mural was enshrined this week and features Harvey Westbrook (Civil Rights Leader), Annie Lee Hayward (Educator), S.H. McShane (Barber, Church Deacon, School Bus Driver and Member of Civic Boards), Dorothy McCarther (Business Owner Church and Civic Board Member) and Monty Joe Thomas (Gospel Musician and Business Owner).